Care for the children in orphanages
Children in orphanages. We should care.
In every country, there are many children who need a better home. Some of them have lost their parents while others have parents that are unable to take care of them. No matter what, all children need the same: a safe home and people around who would provide love and care and help prepare for adulthood. So, if a child doesn’t get all this initially, an orphanage provides the needed conditions until a true home will be found. And it’s our task as well to help such children so that they can be fully integrated into society and live a happy life.
Help for the orphanage in Klevan, Ukraine
Currently, Ukraine has approximately 100,000 orphans, housed in more than 650 institutions in different regions. The major part of these children are “social orphans”, which means that they have to live in these places due to abuse, abandonment, or extreme poverty in their families. One such place is a municipal institution called “Klevan Special Boarding School № 1”. It is located near Rivne, Ukraine, and is a mixed boarding school for orphans and children from families who live in poverty, thus including kids from every background. What differentiates this orphanage from other similar institutions is that all its children have issues with eyesight, from slight to severe ones. Thus, the school functions in a way that the surroundings, the educational program, and all activities are adjusted to the special needs of the children so that they don’t miss out on any opportunity to learn, play, and grow, just like other children of their age.
The institution is funded by the state and municipality, but this help is often not enough, so sponsorship support is always welcomed. As our first steps in helping the children in this orphanage, we decided to present the group of 5-6 year olds with a large box of different teddy bears so that each kid could choose the one they liked most. Also, we got fruits and sweets with us. It was amazing what a warm welcome we received from the kids and the teachers when we arrived at the place. It was nice to see that despite the challenges that these children face, they are still children in the best sense of the word: smiling, funny, curious, and noisy. They were happy to get teddy bears and treats, but they were even happier that there are people that come to visit and spend time with them. We were delighted to share such precious moments with these beautiful children, and we definitely know that ahead we have many great encounters and further cooperation with this orphanage.