Keyword Density - Everything You Need to Know!
Keyword density is a key performance indicator (KPI) in search engine optimization (SEO). It indicates how often a specific keyword appears in a text, measured as a ratio to the total number of words in that text. This value is typically expressed as a percentage.
To calculate keyword density, you need to count the occurrences of a specific keyword on the page and divide it by the total number of words on the page. The result is multiplied by 100 to obtain the percentage of keyword density. For example, if your page has 800 words and your keyword appears 20 times, the calculation is as follows: 20/800 = 0.025. Multiplied by 100, this yields a keyword density of 2.5%.
The ideal keyword density is controversial, but many SEO experts agree that a value between 3 to 5 percent is within an acceptable range. However, it is crucial to maintain keyword density naturally as an excessive concentration of keywords can be viewed as spam and lead to negative rankings. It should not be directly optimized for a specific keyword density. Once the keyword is present in a natural reading and writing flow, it will be in the right proportion.
It is important to emphasize that keyword density is just one factor among many that search engine algorithms consider to determine the ranking of a page. In addition to pure keyword density, other factors are significant as well:
- The distribution of keywords within the text and the webpage.
- The distance between keywords (proximity and anti-proximity).
- The presence of keywords in SEO-relevant elements, such as meta descriptions, title tags, H1 headings, images (alt tags), lists, and links.
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The use of related keywords
Overall, keyword density plays quite a small role in the SEO optimization of texts. Instead, other factors such as the WDF/IDF (term frequency-inverse document frequency) value gain importance. This value considers not only the primary keyword but also related terms in the text. By comparing WDF/IDF values with those of competitors, you can ensure that the text covers all relevant content aspects, which is crucial for better rankings.